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Introduction About Adobe Photoshop's Tool

1)      Tool Box
Function of Tools :-
From file menu bar, open any image for functioning the tool.
a)      Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) This tool is used for rectangular selection.
o   In tool palette, select rectangular marquee tool.
o   Choose normal fixed aspect ratio or fixed size form style form option bar.
o   Drag the mouse on the image to select particular are.
o   If you want to change the selection shape position your cursor inside the selection then click and drag.
Deselect :
o   If you want to deselect click at select menu bar and click at deselect.
o   Or right click inside the selection and click at deselect.
o   Or press Ctrl + D from keyboard.
o   (This function is used for whole selection toolbar.)
Selection tools options
o   If the option is not showing double click on selection tool or windows and choose show option.
o   Choose new, add, subtract and intersect selection as your requirement. Or
o   We can also use Shift for add and Alt for subtract the selection.
o   Put the values in feather so that the selection creates the surrounding pixels.
o   Choose any style normal, fixed aspect ratio or fixed size  with width and height.
Copy the image using feather options.
o   Open a picture (person’s )
o   Choose rectangle marquee selection tool.
o   Type the value in feather box.
o   Select the required area.
o   From edit menu, click at copy.
o   Open the picture (Background).
o   Paste (Ctrl + V) the picture form edit menu.
2)      Elliptical Marquee Tool (M): This tool is used for circle selection.
o   In tool palette. Select Elliptical Marquee tool.
o   Drag the mouse on the image to select particular area.
o   (The selected area will be a dotted line circle )
3)      Single Row / Column Marque Tool (M) : This tool is used for single row / column selection. It is also used to measure the circle or rectangle box.
o   In tool palette, select single row/column tool.
o   Drag the mouse on the image to select particular area.
4)      Lasso Tool (L): this tool is used for freeform selection by clicking and dragging.
o   In Tool palette, select Lasso Tool.
o   Drag the mouse on the image.
o   (Image will be selected as a per mouse movement)
Anti-Aliasing  s useful when cutting, copying and pasting selections to create composite images.
Anti-Aliasing is a available for the lasso polygonal lass, magnetic lasso, rounded rectangle marquee, elliptical marquee and magic wand tools. (Select a tool to display its options bar.)You most specify this options before using these tools. Once a selection is made, you cannot add anti-aliasing.
5)      Polygonal Lasso Tool (L): From this tool we can select rectangular and triangle shape by clicking required place to place.
o   In tool palette, select polygonal Lasso Tool.
o   Drag the mouse on the image.
o   Again come back at start position and click it or press enter key. ( A small circle indicate the start point. Or
o   You can double click to close selection marquee tool.
o   If you have a feather amount set in the lasso options palette, you will not end up with sharp corners on the selection.
6)      Magnetic Lasso Tool (L): This tool is most useful when you want to select an object or an area of an image when are more surrounding. It select along the edge or a shape in an image.
o   In tool palette, select Magnetic Lasso Tool.
o   Click and drag the mouse on the image to select.
o   Again come back at start position and click it for stop selection or press Enter key.
o   (A small circle at the cursor indicates that you are on the start point)
a)      Frequency :  For easy to select & more effectiveness. Value 1 to 100. The higher value add more points are placed.
b)      Edge Contrast : Enter a value between 1% and 100% for edge contrast. A higher value detects only edges that contrast sharply with their surroundings, a lower value detects lower contrast edges.
c)      Width : 1 to 40.
Quick Mask : It is used for selecting image. Quick mask stands when there is difficult in selecting image.
Active layer where selection is still active.
Choose edit in quick mask mode tool on toolbox.
Define brush size and brush soften/ harden.
Paint the area you wish to add to selection (You can also erase mask area with eraser tool with proper brush size)
Once selection incorrectly mode , click on standard mode button

7. Move (V) This tool is used to move the image of select layer.
Ø  Choose any selection tool and select any area of image.
Ø  In tool palette, click at the move tool.
Ø  Drag the mouse on that selected area move.
Ø  (if no area is selected then whole image will move of selected layer)

Auto selected layer to selected the topmost layer rather than the selected layer.
Show Bounding Box to display the bounding box around the selected item. Using this option we can increase the picture of the selection part.

8. Magic Wand (W): The Magic Wand Tool selects continuous areas of colour in an image, based on a tolerance setting. Low tolerance settings create a very limited selection of color. Higere settings a wider range of pixels. The tool is good for selecting consistenly coloured areas.

Ø  Click at magic wand tool.
Ø  Check the tolerance setting.0-225.
Ø  Click on the image and it selected the similar color of the image.

Another options
a)      Contiguous: Choose this option  to select the similar area of whole image not just the pixel which you click.
b)     Used all layer: Click on the use all layers check box to selected the matching colors on all layers in the picture.

Ø  You cannot use the magic wand tool in bitmap mode.

9. Crop(C): This tool used to crop unwanted areas of an image and reduce the file size.
Ø  In tool palette, select crop tool.
Ø  Position your cursor on the image.
Ø  Drag to define the crop area.
Ø  Press enter or double click inside the crop area.
Ø  You can also click the Ok button ( tick mark) in the option bar to crop the image.
Ø  Press Ese key cancel

Ø  Shield color
Ø  Height and width: specify height and width
Ø  Opacity
Ø  Prespective

10. Slice tool (K): not required for graphic
11. Slice Select Tool (K):not required for graphic
Creating content on separate layers enables you to retain control of the placement and effects for various individual elements in an image. If you created objects an one layer in Photoshop, they would be difficult to modify. Every image file by default has one special layer called the Background layer. An image can have more layers than your computer’s memory can probably handle-up 8000. Text Tool create a new layers automatically.
Note: White background will not hide other layers you may add.
To create new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N)
Click on New layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.
Click on the pop­-up menu in the layers palette and click new layer.
Type the layer name, color, mode and opacity.
Layer menu > New > Layer

Hiding and Showing Layers:
To hide a layer, click on the eye icon in the leftmost column of the Layers palette.
To show a layer. Click in the leftmost column to bring back the eye icon.

Linking Layers: Linking layers is useful when you move more than one layer.
Click in the empty box to the right of the eye icon of the layer icon. The chain icon appears which represent link.
To unlink a layer, Click the chin icon.
Locking layers:
Transparent lock: It locks the transparent area or background.
Image lock: To disable painting tools on the layer.
Lock position: To prevent from delete and move.
Lock all: To lock all three options.

To delete layer
·         Select required layer.
·         Click layer menu > Delete > Layer
·         Click the layer and drag to the Recycle bin button.
·         Right click on the layer and click at delete layer
·         Select layer and direct click on delete layer button and click on yes.

12.  Healing Brush tool: (version 7.0 only)
You used the healing brush tool to paint with sampled pixels from an image or pattern.
1.      Select the healing brush tool.
2.      Click the brush sample  in the options bar and set brush options in the pop-up palette:
3.      If you choose sample  source press alt key from keyboard and click at image which we have to copy and drag the another area.
Pattern: If you choose sampled, choose required pattern from list
Aligned: if you choose this option you can release to the mouse button to complete it.
Note : if you are sampling from one of the image and applying to another, both images must be in the same color mode unless one of the images is in Grayscale mode.
13. Patch tool: (version 7.0 only)
The patch tools lets you repair a selected area with pixels from another area pattern.
Ø  Select the patch tool.
Ø  Select the area which you want to repair and drag. The another location of the image and release the mouse button.
Ø  Choose source or destination from option bar.
Ø  If source is selected in the option bar the originally area is patched with the sample pixels.
Ø  If destination is selected in the option bar the newly area is patched on the sample pixels where we release the mouse button it is like copy paste.

Using pattern tool.
Click at patch tool.
Select the area which you want you want to repair and the another location of the image and release the mouse button.

14. Airbrush (J) : (Version 6.0 only)
Use the airbrush tool paints with the foreground color.
Ø  Click at airbrush tool.
Ø  Specify the size of brush and type form pop-up menu.
Ø  We can insert different types of brushes form.
Ø  Setting the mode and pressure.

15. Brush tool (B)
Use the brush tool paints with the foreground color.
Ø  Click at brush tool.
Ø  Specify the size of brush and type from pop-up menu.
Ø  Insert the master diameter to spray the foreground color on the image.
Ø  Use flow and opacity option for dark and light effect.
Ø  To insert different types of brushes click at pop-up menu form option bar, choose brushes name and click append.
Ø  Setting the mode and pressure.

To produces a grainy, chalk like effect. Use opacity.
Only available when you are working on a layer with a transport background. Use behind to paint behind the existing pixels on a layer.
To produce a color that is darker than the original colors.
To produce a opposite color of the original color. It effect only over the existing color.
To produce a foreground color slowly. It also effect only over the existing color. Use it on photo.
Soft Light
Create a soft lightening effect. For the choose grey color and drag over the picture.
Hard Light
Just opposite of soft light. Depending on the color. Use it  in photo.
Applies the paint color to pixels darker than the paint color, but does not change pixels lighter than the paint color.
Replaces pixels darker than the paint color, but does not change pixels lighter than the paint color.
It looks at the brightness of pixels and the paint color, then subtracts paint brightness form pixel brightness. Depending on the result, it inverts the pixels
The result is similar to difference, but with lower contrast.
In color images applies the hue (color) of the paint, without affecting the saturation luminosity of the base pixels.
Changes the saturation of pixels based on the saturation of the blend  color, but does not affect hue or luminosity.
Changes the relative lightness or darkness of the pixels without affecting their hue or saturation.
Apples the hue and saturation of the blend color, but does not affect the luminosity of the base pixels.
Color Dodge
Lightness the base color more pronounced when the paint color is light.

Color Burn
Darkens the base color more pronounced when paint color is dark.
16. Pencil Tool (B):
We can use pencil tool to draw freeform lines. The lines you draw with the pencil tool are always hard edged. The pencil tool paints or draws with the foreground color.
Ø  To draw a line, click at pencil tool.
Ø  Choose the brush style and size from pop-up menu.
Ø  To create a straight stroke hold down shift key and drag it.
Ø  Choose auto erase as eraser.
17. Clone Stamp Tool (S) :
You can use clone stamp tool to retouch an image by cloning or duplicating areas of it. This is very useful when you want to remove scratches.
Ø  Click at clone stamp tool.
Ø  Choose the brushes size and type form pop0up menu.
Ø  Hold down alt and click on the part of the image you want to clone.
Ø  Move the cursor to a different image part then click and drag.

Clone Aligned : With the aligned option selected, clone stamp cursor remains fixed.
Clone One Aligned :  With the aligned option off, the source point where you first click remains the same. If you stop dragging with the clone stamp cursor, move to a different part of the image, then start dragging again, the pixels you clone continue to come from the original source point.
18. Pattern Stamp Tool (S): To fill the pattern which is predefined.
Ø  To define a pattern, select the require area of picture.
Ø  Go to edit men and click at define pattern.
Ø  Specify the pattern mane and ok.
Ø  Choose pattern stamp tool.
Ø  Choose your brush size and type.
Ø  Position your cursor on the image, then click and drag to paint with the pattern.

Pattern aligned: with the aligned option selected, even if you stop dragging and then restart, the pattern aligns seamlessly.
Pattern non aligned:  this options paints the predefined pattern, but does not align seamlessly if you stop dragging and them restart dragging.

19. History Brush Tool (Y): History brush paints back previous back previous image.
·         Click at history brush tool and drag to the image.
·         Go to window menu.
·         Click on the show history (if not appear)
·         Choose history Tab.
·         Choose required no. of action, where you want to return.

Note: If you want to delete any action, right click on the unwanted action, and click on delete.
Note: If you want to clear history then  right click the mouse button at any one action inside the history palette and click on clear history.
20. Art history brush (Y):
·         Select the history brush tool from the toolbox.
·         Choose re3quired brush style/shape, tolerance form the option bar.
·         Drag in the image to paint.
21. Eraser Tool (E) :
Use the eraser tool to erase portions of your image. The eraser rubs out to the background color when you are working on the background layer. It erases to transparency when you are working on any other layer, provided  that the lock transparent pixels option is not selected in the layer palette.
a)      Eraser Tool :
1)      To eraser areas of your image, select the eraser tool.
2)      Click and drag on your image to erase to the background color or transparency, depending on the layer on which you are working.
3)      Form properties bar of eraser too, increase or decrease the opacity.
4)      From mode pop-up menu choose an erase mode. The default is paintbrush. Block is useful when you need to eraser along straight edges. The block eraser is fixed size.
5)      Click at erase to history for erase default background white.
22. Fill Bucket Tool :
It helps to fill single color and pattern in color pixel or in transparent area with specified color tolerance.
Process :
a)      Take fill bucket tool.
b)      Choose foreground or pattern form option bar.
c)      Click on required area of Canvas.
23.  Background Eraser Tool (E) :  Use the background eraser tool when you are working on a layer to eraser pixels to transparency.
a)      Right click on the eraser tool.
b)      Click on the background eraser tool.
c)      Choose a brush style on the option bar.
d)     Choose limits, tolerance and sampling form the option bar.
e)      Drag on the desired layer.
24. Magic Eraser Tool (E) :
Use the magic tool when you want to erase a contiguous area of color and a layer based on the tolerance setting.
a)      Right click on the eraser tool.
b)      Click on the magic eraser tool.
c)      Define required tolerance and opacity value.
d)     Click or drag on the desire area on the current layer.
25. Gradient Tool (G) : You can use the gradient tool to create transitions from one color to another. You can also create multi-colored gradients.
a)      Select the required area of the image.
b)      Click at gradient tool.
c)      Form the gradient pop-up menu choose one of the presets gradient.
d)     Choose any gradient as you need (Radial, angle reflected and diamond).
e)      We can create own gradient click at edit to gradient from pop-up menu.
f)       Just click when hand appears and choose the color and click at ok.
g)      Position your cursor where you want the gradient to start, click and drag the mouse inside the selection area.
h)      For basic gradient fills leave the transparency and dither options selected.
i)        Note : if on area is selected then gradient effect will be in the whole image.
26. Faint Bucket Tool (G) :
You can use the paint bucket tool to color pixels with the foreground color, based on tolerance settings. You can use the paint bucket tool within a selection or on the either image.
a)      Select the required area.
b)      Click at paint bucket tool.
c)      Enter a value form 0-255 in the tolerance box. The higher you set the value, the greater the pixel range the paint bucker will fill.
d)     Form pop-up menu we can also choose pattern instead of foreground color.
e)      If we select contiguous option we can fill at particular area if we deselect the contiguous option it fill the whole area of same color. For example if we click on the blue color the pattern fill the all blue area of image.
27. Blur Tool (R): The blur tool works by reducing contrast between pixels and can be useful for disguising unwanted, jagged edges and softening edges between shapes.
a)      To blur areas of you image, click at blur tool.
b)      Click and drag the mouse the effect will paper.
c)      We can also define the brush size.
d)     We cannot use the blur tool on an image in bitmap or indexed color mode.
28. Sharpen Tool (R): The sharpen tool works by increasing the contrast between pixels.
a)      Click at sharpen tool.
b)      Position you cursor, then click and drag to sharpen the pixel.
29. Smudge Tool (R)  The smudge tool picks up color from where you start to drag.
a)      Click at smudge tool.
b)      Set the pressure, the higher pressure setting, the more pronounced the effect.
c)      Position your cursor, click and drag the mouse.
d)     Choose finger painting option if you want to being the smudge with the current foreground color.
Use All Layer:
It works as the merger layer.
30. Dodge Tool (O) : Using the dodge tool to lighten pixels in your image.
a)      To lighten areas of an image, select the dodge tool.
b)      Choose any range from menu.
c)      Select shadows to change the dark area.
d)     Select the mind notes to limit changes.
e)      Select the highlights to change light area.
f)       To control the intensity of the tool increase or decrease the exposure.
31.  Burn Tool (o):  Use the burn tool to darken pixel in your image.
a)      Choose burn tool.
b)      Choose required brush style range and exposure value.
c)      Click on or drag over the area to burn.
32. Sponge Tool (O): The sponge tool changes color saturation in a color image and contrast in a gray scale image.
a)      Right click on the dodge tool.
b)      Click on the sponge tool.
c)      Choose required brush shape.
d)     Choose required mode. Saturate add more color intensity or denaturants decreases color intensity and drag flow slider.
e)      Click on or drag over on the image.
33. Path Selection Tool :
It is used to select path to move, copy, delete and transform.
34. Direct Selection Tool :
Bit is used to modify anchor point.
#To Convert Path into Selection
a)      Draw path
b)      Take path selection tool
c)      Right click on path
d)     Click on make selection.
e)      Set feather, anti aliased and operation.
f)       Click on.
#to convert selection into path
a)      Make selection in canvas.
b)      Take any selection tool.
c)      Right click on selection.
d)     Click work with path.
e)      Click ok.
35. Type (T) :
You can use two of types tool one is normal type tool and next one is mask type tool.
Generally type tool is used to type the text or paragraph and mask type tool is used in design. The mask type tool allows you to fill it with a gradient, pattern or image. You can also use in normal type tool but at first you have a rasterize a layer. The normal type tool automatically create a new layer but the mask type tool don’t create a new layer.
Rasterrize a Layer/Text
Select layer right click and click at rastarize layer or,
Layer menu > Rasterize > Typo or layer.
Fill pattern or image on a rasterize layer or text.
a)      Select the text tool using magic selection tool.
b)      Select menu > similar.
c)      Again go to edit menu.
d)     Click at fill command.
e)      Choose foreground or background or pattern, click at ok.
Creating Point Type :
You can create two kinds of type : Point type and paragraph type. Typically, you use point type when you want to work small amounts of text, such as a single character or word or line.
a)      Click at type tool.
b)      Click and type a single character or a word.
c)      Choose font, font size, font color, font style.
Creating paragraph type
Click at type tool.
Drag the required area and type the text.
Note : Hold down Shift or Alt and Ctrl key for scale and skew the text.
Working with type mask tool.
a)      First create a new layer.
b)      Choose required type mask tool from the toolbox.
c)      Have a text area ant type desired text.
d)     Now you can fill gradient, pattern in masked text.
Wrapped Text.
a)      Select the type tool and type and select it.
b)      Click at wrapped text from option bar.
c)      Choose required style and increase or decrease the horizontal or vertical distortion as you want.
d)     Click at ok.

Character/Paragraph palette
Window menu > Character
a)      Click at text tool.
b)      Click at character.
c)      Choose font, leading, tracking, vertical scale in % Horizontal scale %, color, shift etc.
d)     Click at paragraph and type the alignment in left right center, justify.
e)      Type the margins in left, right, first line, spacing after and before paragraph.
Mask Type :
a)      Open a picture.
b)      Click at masked Horizontally or vertically type tool and type what you want.
c)      Now you can fill pattern, image etc or move to next window.
d)     You can also copy paste the masked type.
Paragraph palette.
a)      Select the text.
b)      Click at paragraph palette from option bar.
c)      Choose font, font size, font color, font style and required alignment i.e. left, right, justify etc.
d)     Choose bold, italic, all caps, small caps, superscript, subscript, underline strike through etc.
e)      Choose required leading and tracking.
36. Pen tool (P) :
It draws a path in canvas by own. It have five sub-select tools.
a)      Pen tool :
Used to draw path by clicking and dragging.
When you drag, there appears handle.
b)      Freeform pent tool.
Use to draw path by freely.
c)      Add anchor point tool.
d)     Delete anchor paint tool.
e)      Convert tool.
In converts the anchor point from corner into smooth (having handle) and from smooth to corner point. Also separates the handle into two ways.
Shape Tools :
It creates shapes with specified shapes. It has six sub-select tools.
a)      Rectangle tool
b)      Rounded rectangle tool
Options :
                                i.            Unconstrained.
                              ii.            Square.
                            iii.            Fixed size.
                            iv.            Proportion.
                              v.            From center
c)      Elliptical tool
Options :
                                i.            Radius
d)     Polygon.
Options :
                                i.            Radius.
                              ii.            Smooth corner
                            iii.            Smooth indent.
                            iv.            Star.
e)      Line tool
f)       Custom shapes
Process :
                                i.            Take custom shape tool.
                              ii.            Choose required shape from options bar.
                            iii.            Draw in canvas.
All Shape Options.
a)      Shape layers.
It creates shapes in new layer.
b)      Path
It creates shapes in path
c)      Fill Pixel
It creates shapes with foreground fill color only for preset shapes.
37. Notes Tool (N) :
If you want to add information to an image that others can read without that information printing along with the image and a note.
a)      Click on the notes tool.
b)      Click on the imae in the location whee you want the note to apper, a black note box will appear.
c)      Type required note text inside the text box.
d)     Click on the small upper-left corner box to close.
e)      Double click on the note icon to open the note at any time.
f)       To delete note right click on the note icon and click at delete note the ok.
38. Audio Annotation Tool (N) :
39. Eyedropper Tool (I) :
The eyedropper tool selects a new foreground color as where you click on the image.
a)      Choose eyedropper tool.
b)      Click on the image which you want to select.
40. Color Sampler Tool (I)
This tool select the exact color and store it inside the info palette.
a)      Choose  color sample tool and click on the image.
b)      You can store four sample color.
c)      Click on the info palette button.
41. Measure Tool (I) :
The measure tool determines the distance between two points.
a)      Click on the image and drag.
b)      Check in the info palette where you know the height and width.
c)      Click at clear tool to remove the measure tool.
42. Hand (H) :
The hand tool scrolls to a particular area of an image.
a)      Click on hand tool.
b)      Drag the image with the hand pointer.
43. Zoom (Z) :
The zoom tool increase or decreases the magnification of an image, allowing you to view an image at different sizes.
a)      Click on the zoom tool.
b)      Click on the image.
c)      Hold down alt key to zoom out.
Note : the view menu also offers a number of zooming commands : zoom out, fit on screen, actual pixels and print size.
Press Ctrl =(Zoom In)
Press Ctrl - (Zoom Out)
Anil Chaudhary

Anil Chaudhary

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