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Buffalo Bill: E.E. Cummings

Buffalo Bill
Poem By: E.E. Cummings 

E.E. Cummings is the modern American poet. He is the poet who Violates the rules of grammars. His poem is not neatly divided into stanzas. He capitalizes words when it is not grammatically necessary. Even at the end of the poem there is no any fulls-stop. His poem has got a certain shape. The word Jesus is put at the far end to have the shape of the bullet. The shape is related to the subject matter of the poem. The bullet is the main idea of this poem.

 Buffalo Bill represents William Cody. William Cody was the American cowboy. He was the hunter, shooter and the rider. He was a man of fewer words. When there was quarrel and dispute, it was his gun that used to speak. Cody is no longer alive. The poem appreciates his look, appearance his horse. Cody used to ride the strong male horse. His bullet used to kill the pigeons. Pigeons are the symbol of peace. Onetwothreefoursixseven..... means the speed of the bullet. Jesus is the ideal of the poem. He was the Lover of peace. Blue-eyed parents' darling.

  Mr. Death is the all powerful death from which we escape. The blue-eyed  boy was the darling son of the Mr. Death. Cody was the man of war and violence, he himself was the death. The poem is the criticism of William Cody.


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