Extract By: Boston Women's Health Collective
The text is jointly written by women in Boston who are related to health center's. It is written by women for women to show how ever all over the world women have got the same problem. The main idea is that it is very difficult for the battered women to leave the house. It is easier for the husband to leave the house. We are not talking about fortunate women who is able to kick out the husband from the house. It is because comparatively women are powerless than man and economically she has to depend on the income of the husband.
In many Maoris the house is in the man of a husband. Generally it is the responsibility of the mother to look after the children. The children can get the house, but not the mother because still she has wrought in the house of the husband. She is not homeless. Society does not view her in a positive way. Even if she gets the job. It is part time or low paying job in one condition the mother is compelled to leave the house when there is mental and physical danger to the life of children from the husband.
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